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Is Keeping Buddha Idol At Home Good: Tips For Selecting

Is Keeping Buddha Idol At Home Good: Tips For Selecting

How to Choose a Buddha Statue for Home?

Natural stone sculptures are an epitome of timeless elegance and strength. The premium quality materials like granite, marble and sandstone bring into life the sculptures that manifest a gamut of textures and colors. When we look at the hand carved stone statues, then the special sculpting techniques employed by the native Indian artisans is something that stands light-years ahead. When their livelihood is harnessed by the leading natural stone statue manufacturer and exporter in India, they are provided with the free license to chisel and shape the raw blocks of stone into harmonious and graceful forms, breathing life into the statues. 

Talking about high quality stone Buddha statues, authentic craftsmanship is an indispensable aspect. Our gifted Stonemart™ murtikars have a deep faith and understanding of Buddhist art traditions to immaculately bring these statues to fruition. They possess the expertise and knowledge of carving every detail upon the surface right from benign expressions on the face to accurately shaping different mudras of the Buddha for the most desired spiritual symbolism. 

MUST READ: Top 10 Buddha Statues for your Garden

Choosing a Buddha Statue for Home: The Factors that Matter 

Answering how to choose the right Buddha statue as per the latest décor trends, preferences and intentions, the following points would help you reach a better inference - 

  • Personal Taste: The different mudras of the Buddha are known to invoke different energies and aesthetic appeals. Be it a Buddha statue in dhyana mudra, Buddha statue in abhaya mudra, Buddha statue in bhumisparsha mudra, Buddha statue in vitarka mudra, Buddha statue in dharmachakra mudra, Buddha statue in anjali mudra, or Buddha statue in reclining mudra, always go for the one as per your Vastu or Feng shui needs and the one that you can feel connection with. 
  • Contemporary Décor Style: Always go for the modern décor style and shop for a stone Buddha idol that complements it harmoniously. Go for the statues featured with intricate details and vibrant colors that are inclined towards eclectic or traditional. The prima facie goal is to build a cohesive look and feel at your available space. 
  • The Size: Always calculate the space available at the spot of installation. The size of the Buddha statue that you order shall remain proportionate to the space that it will occupy. A big Buddha statue will make a bold statement and remain a focal point, but a Buddha statue medium in terms of size would add a subtle charm at the space of installation. Always look at the dimensions and weight details offered on the website of the Buddha statue manufacturer. Take the measurements (including length, breath and height) of where you have to place the statue and place the order accordingly.  

  • Statue Material and Color: If you make a comparison of the Buddha statues in different materials then natural stone Buddha would turn out to be a superior choice. Natural stone sculptures for interior decor are highly compatible with Vastu as they are free from material composition impurities, withstand weather changes for ages and extremely robust and durable.  Choose the color of the sculpture as per the contrast and aesthetics of the surroundings. Go for sandstone Buddha statues and marble Buddha statues from the top-notch brand of the stone industry in India
  • Intention and Meaning: Reflect upon the question first, why to buy Buddha statue for home? What is your intention behind ordering Buddha idol online? Are you seeking mindfulness, peace and spiritual guidance? Are you seeking confidence and fearlessness? Or rather knowledge and wisdom? For instance, dhyana mudra Buddha idol represents meditation and inner peace, abhaya mudra Buddha idol represents confidence and fearlessness, Vitarka mudra Buddha idol represents learning, wisdom and knowledge, whereas, bhumisparsha mudra Buddha idol represents enlightenment and beginning of a new journey. Go for one or more stone Buddha sculptures by aligning with your intensions. 
  • Contemporary Theme Placement Ideas: Always go for a prominent position for installation inside the home that is equal to or above the eye-level. It can be a meditation alter, a pedestal, console and ought to be surrounded by sacred objects such as incense sticks, candles, natural stone urli, stone lamps and lanterns and stone elephant sculptures revering the Buddha. Surrounding the Buddha idol with the right objects would help in attracting positive vibes, tranquility and spiritual growth. 

MUST READ: How Having the Right Buddha Statue at the Right Place can Transform your Luck?

For our native Indian artisans, the creation of stone Buddha Ji sculptures is beyond technical proficiency. It ignites a deep reverence and spiritual connection for the subject matter. Our skilled murtikars pour their hearts and soul to infuse positive vibes and unparalleled stone masonry. Reach out for the best home and garden Buddha statues hand carved out of natural stone to get bestowed with multitude of benefits including inner peace and reflection, emancipation from fear and withstanding the challenging test of time.